Saturday 7 March 2015


  •  McCarthy has taken low cultured, low budget films with simplistic and repetitive story lines and incorporated the themes into this novel.
  • He uses simplistic language structure and then incorporates complicated vocabulary.
  • There are religious aspects within the storyline, ‘pilgrims’, Christianity, 'the child is his warrant' who he wants to take him to his death.
  •  Something dangerous is following them and the two characters of a father and son have to keep travelling. A pilgrimage to death. 
  • The novel is set in a post apocalyptic world, and the characters are trying to escape the peril and great death on their own terms. 

  1. low-cultured 
  2. punctuation 
  3. religious
  4. escape
  5. death.

  1. Post-apocalypitc 

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