Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Introduction pages 1-28 

Key feature 


Use of language  

"Glaucoma"- The dimming of the light represents the dimming of the hope and human morality within the characters eyes. Additionally throughout the novel, linking to the deterioration of the man's health.
Sentence structure

The lack of punctuation and speech marks McCarthy uses is an indicator of a deteriorating, decaying society all merging into one. However the repeated use of full stops, creating short, concise sentences makes the story more dramatic to the reader. 

"Night dark behind darkness"- McCarthy sets the story in a post-apocalyptic distopia, portraying the tone as a melancholy brooding effect.

"Each the others world entire"- The two characters of the boy and man only have each other throughout their journey and in the entire world. they can only trust each other, anyone else could be a potential threat. The reader feels a sense of loneliness and complete reliance between the characters. The man has to check that his son is still breathing and there is still life in the world by feeling his breath whilst he sleeps, "His hand rose and fell softly with each precious breath", the boys life is precious, and if te an does not protect him then who will? The man is uncertain if there is a God in this world because of all the destruction and terror he has experienced. 

The story is based on the man looking back on his life, the happy memories he had with his Uncle on his farm, fishing on the lake nearby. The man also re-visits the house he once used to live at and tries to call his father and stops himself, because he is afraid there will be no reply. He talks about his wife at the beginning of the book with happy, romantic memories, these however, soon turn sore. McCormac is trying to show the readers the message that the man is trying to show his boy, that there is nothing of the real world, and his old life left, and nothing will ever be the same again. The world is empty just like his father's house. 

Time is never identified specifically, however we are aware that time is passing because the characters go to sleep and wake up when the sun is rising, "he woke before dawn and watched the grey day break". We are also aware that the characters must have been travelling for a long time when the man mentions he is unaware what month it is, "He thought the month was October but he wasn't sure. He hadn't kept a diary for years." Time is identified as not  necessity for them to survive in the post- apocalyptic world they are currently living in. 

"If he is not the word of God God never spoke"- Religious references are mentioned throughout the first section of the book where the man is still believing in God but the only way the man believes he could be saved is if the boy leads him to his death, making the boy the messenger from God.  

McCormac is writing as American literature ad we can see this from the words he uses such as, "Black top". He is also symbolising the American dream within the novel as a primary part of the story,"like pilgrims in a fable". The are travelling, like pilgrims to find peace and hope and hopefully find the "good guys" so they can be at one with God once again. 
McCarthy also makes the reader award that the man is always checking a mirror attached to his GROCERY CART to see if anything is following them, "knapsack" (a motorcyclist mirror), this symbolises danger, and the approaching gloom that the man knows is looming over their heads.

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